Marino Regini is Emeritus Professor in the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan, where he teaches courses in economic sociology and political economy. Also, he is the honorary president of the inter-university centre UNIRES (Italian Centre for Research on Universities and Higher Education Systems).
In the same university, he was previously Vice-Rector for Graduate Education and Internationalization, Dean of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Director of the School of Journalism, President of the Graduate School in Social, Economic & Political Sciences as well as co-Director of the European Master in Labour Studies.
He studied Sociology as a PhD student at Columbia University in New York and at the University of California in Berkeley, and has taught courses at several universities from 1974 to 1988. Since then, he has been Professor of Economic Sociology and Director of Graduate Studies at the University of Trento (1988-1996) and a Visiting Professor at Duke University, the Johns Hopkins University, the European University Institute, the Instituto Juan March in Madrid, the Central European Universty in Budapest, as well as the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Universitat Autonoma in Barcelona, teaching courses in political economy, comparative industrial relations, and economic sociology. In 1978-79 and in 1994-95, he was a visiting scholar at Harvard University and M.I.T. respectively.
He is a permanent honorary fellow of SASE (the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics), of which he was president in 2001-2. Also, he has been president of the International Sociological Association (ISA)’s Research Committee on “Labor Movements” (1990-1998), and a member of the Social Science Research Council – American Council of Learned Societies (SSRC-ACLS) Joint Committee on Western Europe (1992-1996). He has served on the Editorial Boards of the European Sociological Review, European Journal of Industrial Relations, Economic and Industrial Democracy, Journal of Industrial Relations, Socio-Economic Review and Stato e Mercato, among others.
His main research interests lie in the areas of comparative industrial relations, labour market and higher education policies, state and interest organisations, and political economy more generally.
Among his books are:
- Salvare l’università italiana. Oltre i miti e i tabù, Il Mulino, 2017 (with G. Capano and M. Turri)
- Il contributo delle università all’economia regionale, Il Mulino, in preparation (with C. Trigilia)
- Changing Governance in Universities. Italian Higher Education in Comparative Perspective, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2016 (with G. Capano and M. Turri)
- La riforma universitaria nel quadro dei sistemi di governance europei, Firenze University Press, 2014
- European Universities and the Challenge of the Market, Elgar, 2011
- Torri d’avorio in frantumi? Dove vanno le università europee, Il Mulino, 2010 (with R.Moscati and M.Rostan)
- Malata e denigrata. L’università italiana a confronto con l’Europa, Donzelli, 2009
- La sociologia economica contemporanea, Laterza, 2007
- Formazione e professionalità per l’economia della conoscenza, Angeli, 2005 (with G.Ballarino)
- Why De-Regulate Labour Markets?, Oxford University Press, 2000 (with G.Esping-Andersen)
- Modelli di capitalismo. Le risposte europee alla sfida della globalizzazione, Laterza, 2000
- From Tellers to Sellers. Changing Employment Relations in Banks, MIT Press, 1999 (with M.Baethge and J.Kitay)
- Best Practice oder funktionale Äquivalenz?, Rainer Hampp Verlag, 1997 (with R.Bahnmüller)
- Uncertain Boundaries. The Social and Political Construction of European Economies, Cambridge University Press, 1995
- The Future of Labour Movements, Sage, 1992
- State, Market and Social Regulation. New Perspectives on Italy, Cambridge University Press, 1989 (with P.Lange)