Current academic positions:
Emeritus Professor of Economic Sociology in the Department of Social and Political Siences of the University of Milan.
Former positions:
- 2006-2012: Vice-Rector for Graduate Eduation and Internationalization of the University of Milan
- 2005-2013: Director of the School of Journalism of the University of Milan
- 2003-2006: President of the Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences of the University of Milan
- 1999-2005: Dean of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, University of Milan
- 1996-1999: Co-Director of the European Master in Labour Studies and Director of Graduate Studies in Sociology, University of Milan;
- 1996-2013: Professor of Economic Sociology in the University of Milan
- 1988-1996: Professor of Economic Sociology and Director of Graduate Studies in Sociology, University of Trento;
- 1977-1988: Associate Professor of Sociology of Organisations, University of Milan;
- 1974-1977: Associate Professor of Industrial Sociology, University of Urbino;
- 1973-1974: Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Cagliari.
Visiting positions:
- Summer 2002 and 2003: Visiting Professor, Central European University, Budapest;
- Spring 2000: Visiting Professor, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona;
- Spring 1999: Visiting Professor, Duke University, Center for European Studies;
- Spring 1994: Visiting scholar, M.I.T., Sloan School of Management;
- Spring 1991: Visiting Professor, Universitat Autonoma, Department of Sociology, Barcelona;
- 1988-1989: Visiting Professor, Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias Sociales, Instituto Juan March, Madrid;
- 1982-1986: Visiting Professor, Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies, Bologna Center;
- Summer 1983: Visiting Professor, Summer School of the European University Institute, Florence;
- 1978-1979: Visiting scholar, Harvard University, Center for European Studies.
Higher education:
- 1971-1972: PhD student at Department of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley;
- 1970-1971: PhD student at Department of Sociology, Columbia University, New York;
- 1967-1969: Post-doctoral student at Istituto Superiore di Sociologia, University of Milano;
- 1961-1966: University of Genoa, Faculty of Law. Laurea in Giurisprudenza “magna cum laude” in Summer 1966.
Field of study: sociology
Special fields: political economy; industrial relations; economic sociology; labour market and labour policies; higher education
- 1978-1979: American Council of Learned Societies advanced research fellowship;
- 1978-1979: Fulbright-Hays travel grant for senior research scholars;
- 1970-1972: Harkness Fellowship of the Commonwealth Fund of New York;
- 1967-1969: National Research Council fellowship for graduates in Sociology.
2006-2013: Higher education and research in knowledge-based economies: the different logics of institutional change. Funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, Fondazione Cariplo, Fondazione CRUI
2004-2005: Social pacts as new levels of governance: the Italian case. EUI research coordinated by M. Rhodes and J. Visser and funded by the 6th FP of the European Commission
2002-2004 The supply of high skills for the new economy and the relevance of the territorial level of regulation. Funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research and by the Milan Chamber of Commerce
- 2000-2002: Trends in collective bargaining. Funded by Cornell University and the Korea Labor Institut
- 1996-1999: European Industrial Relations Observatory. Co-director for Italy of the Observatory on 15 EU countries, funded by the European Commission, DG V.;
- 1998: Social pacts in Western Europe. Comparative study, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research
- 1998: The effects of labour market de-regulation on unemployment: a critical review of the different research approaches and of the empirical evidence. Comparative study on eight European countries, funded by the European Commission, DG XII.
- 1994-1996: Vocational training and the social production of skills in the “strong” regions of Europe. Funded by the Italian National Research Council and the Milan Chamber of Commerce;
- 1994-1996: Human resource management and industrial relations. The financial sector in nine advanced economies. Sponsored by the M.I.T. Sloan School of Management and funded by the University of Trento;
- 1992-1993: Work and economy in the “strong” regions of Europe. Commissioned by the Cassa di Risparmio delle Provincie Lombarde;
- 1990-1992: Managerial strategies of regulation in European companies. Funded by the University of Trento and the Italian Ministry of University and Research;
- 1990: National policies of coordination of the wage dynamics. Commissioned by the National Council for Economy and Work;
- 1987-1988: Strategies of industrial adjustment. With Charles Sabel. Commissioned by the Council for Italy and the U.S.;
- 1985-1987: The implementation of public policies in Italy. Commissioned by ISAP (Institute of Studies on Public Administration);
- 1983-1986: Types of political exchange in W.Europe. Supported by the Italian Ministry of Education;
- 1982-1985: Trade unions and the welfare state. Supported by the National Research Council;
- 1980-1982: The structure of industrial conflict in Italy in 1970s. Commissioned by IRPSI;
- 1978-1979: Neo-corporatist trends in Italy in comparative perspective. Supported by the American Council of Learned Societies;
- 1974-1976: Social conflicts in W.Europe. Supported by the Ford Foundation. Project director: Alessandro Pizzorno;
- 1973-1974: Manpower utilization in Italy. Supported by the National Research Council. Project director: Giorgio Fuà;
- 1972-1973: The evolution of trade union power. Supported by the National Research Council. Project director: Alessandro Pizzorno;
- 1968-1969: Changes in working-class composition in large Italian factories. Supported by the National Research Council. Project director: Angelo Pagani.
- Honorary President of the inter-university centre UNIRES (Italian Centre for Research on Universities and Higher Education Systems)
- President of the “Contemporary Asia Research Centre” (CARC) (2001-2013)
- President of the research center “Work, Training and Welfare” (WTW) (2001-2005)
- President of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) (2001-2002)
- President of the International Sociological Association (ISA)’s Research Committee on “Labor Movements” (1990-1998)
- Member of the U.S. Social Science Research Council – American Council of Learned Societies (SSRC-ACLS) Joint Committee on Western Europe (1992-1996)
- Member of the Executive Council of the Italian Industrial Relations Association(1990-2013)
- Coordinator of the Italian Sociological Association’s section on “Economy, Work and Organisations” (1991-1994)
- President of the Institute for Economic and Social Research of Lombardy (1987-1999)
- Member of Advisory Board (2001-2006) and of the Editorial Board (2007-) of the Socio-Economic Review
- Member of the International Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Industrial Relations (2006-)
- Member of Editorial Board of European Sociological Review (1993-2000)
- Member of Editorial Board of European Journal of Industrial Relations (1997-)
- Member of International Advisory Board of Economic and Industrial Democracy (1992-)
- Editor of Stato e Mercato (1985-1989) and member of the Editorial Board (1981-)
- Member of Editorial Board of Giornale di Diritto del lavoro e di Relazioni industriali (1990-1997)
- Member of Editorial Board of Quaderni di Rassegna sindacale (2000-)
- Member of Scientific Committee of Sviluppo & Organizzazione (1998-)
- Member of Scientific Committee of Diritto delle Relazioni Industriali (2001-)